Graffiti Cleaning

We provide provides graffiti clean up services for commercial and industrial spaces in and around Melbourne.
Cleaning Melbourne

Unwanted graffiti is an eyesore for any business. The best course of action is to get it cleaned quickly and effectively so that it doesn’t negatively impact your brand or business. Our team of experienced graffiti removalists use a range of techniques from pressure washing to using specific cleaners to remove any kind of graffiti from any type of surface. Contact us for more information on graffiti cleaning in Melbourne.

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Why you need professional graffiti cleaning services:

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Improves First Impressions

The most pressing reason to quickly and efficiently remove graffiti from your building or property is to upkeep your brand reputation. Though it’s no fault of your own, having graffiti on the side or front of your business gives a negative first impression to customers and clients. It sends the message that you conduct business in a vandalous neighbourhood. Removing graffiti as soon as it appears helps you minimise this damage.

Improves First Impressions

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Reduces Risk of Damage

Many business owners are tempted to save some money and remove graffiti themselves. This can backfire. Depending on which surface the graffiti is on, it can seep through multiple layers, making it extremely difficult to scrub off. With vigorous scrubbing you could even damage the surface itself, permanently impacting the wall. By the time you buy the cleaning agents required to bring the ink to the surface, you could be spending more money than if you hired a professional in the first place.

Reduces Risk of Damage

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Dissuades Repeat Offenders

Many people leave graffiti because they believe that there is no point in cleaning it off as another vandal will simply replace it the next day. This isn’t necessarily true. By removing the graffiti quickly, you’re shortening the exposure the vandal receives. They’ll be less likely to retag your building or property because they know it won’t stay up long and will ultimately be a waste of their time.

Dissuades Repeat Offenders

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Cheaper Than Alternatives

After people try to unsuccessfully remove the graffiti themselves, they can settle for one of two options. Either purchasing the equipment needed to effectively remove graffiti, or considering it a lost cause and painting over the graffiti. Both of these can be expensive options in contrast to our graffiti cleaning services. The cost of specialised equipment or paint and painting services far outweigh the affordable price of our graffiti cleaning in Melbourne.

Cheaper Than Alternatives