Diversity & Inclusion
We’re proud of our diversified workforce of professional cleaners in Brisbane, with over 80% representing people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. We aim to remove direct and indirect discriminatory practices and barriers to employment and advancement, which is achieved through our policies and procedures, and through our industry partnerships.
Through our procurement practices and partnerships with Social Enterprises and local affiliations, we aim to seek out, connect with, and create training and employment opportunities for disadvantaged jobseekers. This includes refugees and asylum seekers, people from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds, retrenched workers, at-risk young people, the long-term unemployed, people living with disability and victims of family violence.
Our Key Areas Of Focus
We are committed to a culture that embraces and fosters diversity and inclusion across all levels of our business. The way we work to achieve this is through eliminating stigmas and limitations and creating a culture of inclusion through the promotion of education, awareness and mutual understanding.
Our Goals Are

Gender Balance
We aim to increase the representation of women in senior leadership roles and recognise that improving gender equity provides benefits for our employees, customers & communities.

Pay Equity
We aim to ensure that employees doing work of equal value receive equal pay.

Diversity & Equal Opportunity
We aim to support the recruitment, retention, development and career progression of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

Disability Inclusivity
We aim to create a culture that is respectful, inclusive and accessible to people with disabilities including employees and customers.

Creating Opportunities
We aim to break down barriers to employment and provide opportunities to long-term unemployment, new arrivals/refugees, and former offenders.
Indigenous Engagement
Cleaning Brisbane has partnered with and is a supporter of Jasmin Herro and the Teter Mek Foundation. This not-for-profit charity uses its funds to create educational resources for school children and teachers to help them connect with and discover the rich and diverse culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. It’s through this engagement that we seek to strengthen awareness, inclusion and acceptance, not only within our own company, but extending to our customers and to the communities in which we work.
Staff Training & Development
One thing we pride ourselves on here at Cleaning Brisbane is our thorough staff training and development. We ensure that every team member is experienced and knowledgeable about their specific training role. From there we provide cleaning and communication training to ensure that every job we do is done to a high standard.