Commercial Cleaning

Book professional commercial cleaning services in Brisbane for any business or facility.
Cleaning Melbourne

To attract customers and grow a thriving business, a clean and hygienic setup is essential. Our team provides commercial cleaning services that help a wide range of businesses keep their space clean. These services range from daily, regular and periodical cleaning to steam cleaning of carpets, stripping and sealing of floors, window cleaning, caretaking, grounds maintenance, property maintenance and more.

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Or Call us at 1300 BE CLEAN

Commercial Businesses We Service

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Education Facilities

Keep your school, kindergarten, university, child care centre, or education facility clean. Our team of professional commercial cleaners will thoroughly clean your facility, ensuring every surface is kept as hygienic as possible.

Education Facilities

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Industrial and Warehouses

Industrial spaces can be a very untidy environment and as such need a thorough cleaning strategy to maintain presentation, hygiene and safety standards. Cleaning Brisbane deliver warehouse floor scrubbing, power sweeping, general cleaning, high bay cleaning and technical services for industrial and warehouse spaces.

Industrial and Warehouses

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Healthcare facilities

We know how important effective cleaning is in a medical setting. Whether you’re running a hospital, medical or dental clinic, maternal centre, or any other healthcare facility, we use hospital-grade cleaning practices to ensure a spotless environment.

Healthcare facilities

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Function Venues

Hosting an event? Keep your function space clean with our commercial cleaning services in Brisbane. We provide general cleaning before, during, and after events including waste management as well as the cleaning and maintenance of toilet facilities throughout the event.

Function Venues

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Corporate Offices & Retail

From surface cleaning to deep cleaning your corporate office or retail space, hire our commercial cleaners. We provide general maintenance cleaning to keep your workplace hygienic and dust-free, as well as steam cleaning for carpets, high rise window cleaning, and more.

Corporate Offices & Retail

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Recreational Facilities

Large recreational centres such as gymnasiums, health clubs, sports centres, and leisure centres require regular and thorough cleaning. Our commercial cleaning services in Brisbane include the cleaning of recreational facilities, from keeping the common areas and fitness equipment clean to maintaining the bathroom facilities.

Recreational Facilities

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Strata Cleaning

Strata Cleaning