Floor Resealing

Cleaning Brisbane provides floor resealing services for commercial spaces in and around Brisbane.
Cleaning Melbourne

Has your vinyl floor seen better days? It could be time to extend its lifespan and get your floor stripped, resealed and thoroughly cleaned. Our professional cleaning crew can reseal vinyl flooring effectively, improving the overall cleanliness and hygiene of your space while protecting your floors from deterioration. Contact us today to find out more and book your floor resealing service.

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Our floor resealing services include:

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Strip & Clean Vinyl Floor

Our most extensive floor resealing service first involves us stripping back the original sealant. This allows us to effectively clean the vinyl beneath the old sealant, restoring it to its original colour and removing any grime or dirt. This process is especially important if your flooring hasn’t been maintained in a decent amount of time and therefore needs a deeper clean than usual.

Strip & Clean Vinyl Floor

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Reseal Vinyl Floor

Once we have stripped and cleaned your flooring or you have installed brand new flooring, we can seal or reseal your vinyl floor. This involves applying a high-quality sealant to your spotless floors, protecting them from daily foot traffic, scrapes and scuffs, water damage and more. A freshly sealed or resealed vinyl floor makes cleaning easier and more effective, preventing any dirt, dust or grime from seeping into the cracks or binding to the vinyl itself.

Reseal Vinyl Floor

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General Cleaning

Once your floors are effectively sealed, all they need are our general floor cleaning services to maintain them. This can include just a simple vacuum and mop or buffing and polishing to remove any scuffs and scratches.

General Cleaning

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Timber Floor Maintenance

Having partially unsealed or completely unsealed floors doesn’t just look unseemly, they can also be unhygienic. Dirt, dust, and any spills or messes can fall into cracks, breeding bacteria and allergens. Large cracks in your floor sealant can even become tripping hazards. Professionally resealing your vinyl floor is the best way to keep your floors hygienic, safe, and looking good.

Timber Floor Maintenance

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Lasting Results

You may be tempted to strip, clean, and reseal your vinyl floor yourself. Without the right techniques, high-quality equipment and sealant, this is easier said than done. You could run the risk of permanently sealing dirt in your floors or applying the sealant incorrectly, resulting in an unprotected surface. With our professional floor resealing services you can rest assured that your floors are clean, protected, and will stand up to plenty of foot traffic to come.

Lasting Results