Argy Mariolis
Argy significantly enriches the capabilities of Cleaning Australia with his extensive and diverse professional background. His wide-ranging experience spans across various industries, organisations, and functional areas. Argy’s track record speaks volumes about his proficiency in overseeing business management and operations. He is credited with driving innovation, spearheading transformative changes, and propelling progress by skillfully employing program and project management methodologies. His accomplishments owe their success to his adept leadership, solid governance practices, and effective stakeholder engagement.
Argy brings to the team an exceptional level of enthusiasm, dedication, precision, prudence, and keen business insight. His presence infuses the collective knowledge with a wealth of expertise gained through hands-on experience. He particularly excels in orchestrating seamless shifts and transformations, relying on cutting-edge methodologies that foster continuous improvement and yield substantial benefits.
Argy’s prowess extends to change management, particularly in implementing large-scale systems for some of Australia’s most prominent companies, including nab, BHP, Ernst & Young, Ericsson, PwC Australia, Origin Energy, Australia Post, and Telstra. His experience and contributions in this domain further solidify his role as a driving force behind successful change initiatives within Cleaning Australia.