Written By cleaningmelb
July 25, 2023
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LSV are proud to announce the launch of the new SwimSafe public education campaign.

SwimSafe was born out of recent coronial recommendations and is released after several years of research and development.

The SwimSafe campaign has been proven to be effective at communicating key safety messages to adult vulnerable swimmers as well as to educate both staff and patrons on the specific vulnerabilities of weak and non-swimmers.

The campaign involves communicating key messages to potential vulnerable users including i) people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, ii) people with pre-existing medical conditions and iii) people that don’t swim very often about the risks associated with pools. The campaign encourages those people to follow the ‘5-tips’ to SwimSafe and ask staff about where and how to SwimSafe.

The campaign is broken into four key components:

  • Display and communicate SwimSafe campaign resources
  • The identification of vulnerable patrons
  • Understanding of the ‘5-tips’
  • Staff training on water safety including multicultural and disability awareness

The campaign is similar to the highly successful Watch Around Water program and is now taking registrations within Victorian facilities. Registration will provide facilities with a range of physical and online resources along with initial face to face training.

“SwimSafe is a key step towards making public pools safer for vulnerable swimmers and those that staff may not have been able to identify as higher risk in a non-confronting way” says RJ Houston, Manager: Pool Safety. “Drowning research has been telling us for years that we need to better engage with CALD communities, those with pre-existing medical conditions and those with disabilities in order to ensure every visit to a public pool is a safe and enjoyable one. We’re delighted that SwimSafe can now deliver an evidence-based solution to the industry.”

To register your facility for SwimSafe accreditation, please contact the Pool Safety team on  03 9676 6985 or complete and send this form to

For more information see:

The SwimSafe program has also received a significant boost thanks to the generosity of the team at Cleaning Melbourne who have agreed to sponsor the program for the first 5-years.

The support comes at a crucial time for the growing program with the sponsorship investment being put into the development of translated resources and an online learning module for facility staff to be available in 2020.

“Our company is actively involved in providing cleaning services to a number of premier aquatic and recreation facilities across the state including several of LSV’s Platinum Pool partners. In our experience, cleaning and safety go together in facilitating positive visitor and member experiences for aquatic and recreation facilities, so there was a natural alignment with LSV” says David Gagovski, CEO Cleaning Melbourne. “We would welcome facilities serious about creating safe, clean and enjoyable aquatic environments to get in touch with us.”

Cleaning Melbourne is viewed as an ideal partner to the program. You can view their webpage here:

“Cleaning Melbourne has a strong focus on quality and proper risk management. Ensuring all of our employees and contractors are safe and healthy, whilst protecting the environment and communities in which we operate is a core value of our company. We are proud to hold Quality, OHS and Environmental accreditations through SAI Global.”

LSV would like to acknowledge the facilities and organisations that have committed to the SwimSafe program and would like to commend them on their approach to swimming pool patron safety:

  • YMCA Victoria (49 facilities)
  • Aligned Leisure (18 facilities)
  • City of Yarra (3 facilities)
  • City of Melbourne (4 facilities)
  • City of Darebin (1 facility)
  • City of Maroondah (3 facilities)
  • Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (1 facility)
  • Mitchell Shire Council (1 facility)
  • Western Leisure Services / Wyndham City Council (2 facilities)
  • Brimbank City Council (3 facilities)
  • East Gippsland Shire Council (1 facility)